9 militants detained in N. Afghan operation: police

Source: Xinhua| 2017-05-15 15:12:01|Editor: xuxin
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KUNDUZ, Afghanistan, May 15 (Xinhua) -- Nine Taliban militants were captured following a special operation in Afghanistan's northern province of Kunduz on Monday, police said.

"On specific intelligence inputs, Afghan Special Operation Forces carried out a raid in Chahar Dara district early Monday, capturing nine armed militants," Gen. Shir Aziz Kamawal, commander of 808 Spin Zaar Police Zone based in the region, told Xinhua.

The security forces also destroyed two weapons depots during the operation, the source added.

No security force member was harmed during the raid and the detainees were shifted to an army base for questioning in the province, 250 km north of Afghan capital of Kabul, the source noted.

The Kunduz province, as well as neighboring Baghlan and Takhar provinces, has been the scene of heavy clashes over the past couple of months as Taliban has been trying to challenge the government forces in the once relatively peaceful region.

In a separate development, a would-be suicide bomber named Ahmad surrendered to security forces and handed over an explosive belt to the army personnel in eastern Nangarhar province on Sunday, an army source told Xinhua.

The Taliban-led insurgency has been rampant since late last month when the militant group launched its annual rebel offensive in different places of the country.