
Sudan, Egypt express rejection for unacceptable insults, offenses

Source: Xinhua   2017-03-22 05:55:21            

KHARTOUM, March 21 (Xinhua) -- Sudan and Egypt on Tuesday expressed their total rejection for unacceptable insults or offenses to any of the two countries or sisterly peoples.

They expressed such will through a telephone conversation between Sudan's Foreign Minister Ibrahim Ghandour and Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri, according to a statement of Sudan's Foreign Ministry.

The two ministers reiterated the importance of adopting maximum degrees of wisdom in dealing with the irresponsible attempts by some users of social media and media outlets who are tending to harm the strong relations and upper interests of the two countries' peoples.

They further expressed their full appreciation for the culture, history and civilization of each country, reiterating that "the Nile is the life-line which bonds the Sudanese and Egyptians peoples and bolsters their fraternity throughout the ages."

According to the statement, the two ministers agreed to hold the coming round of political consultations in Khartoum, at the level of foreign ministers, during the first half of next April.

Editor: Mu Xuequan
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Sudan, Egypt express rejection for unacceptable insults, offenses

Source: Xinhua 2017-03-22 05:55:21

KHARTOUM, March 21 (Xinhua) -- Sudan and Egypt on Tuesday expressed their total rejection for unacceptable insults or offenses to any of the two countries or sisterly peoples.

They expressed such will through a telephone conversation between Sudan's Foreign Minister Ibrahim Ghandour and Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri, according to a statement of Sudan's Foreign Ministry.

The two ministers reiterated the importance of adopting maximum degrees of wisdom in dealing with the irresponsible attempts by some users of social media and media outlets who are tending to harm the strong relations and upper interests of the two countries' peoples.

They further expressed their full appreciation for the culture, history and civilization of each country, reiterating that "the Nile is the life-line which bonds the Sudanese and Egyptians peoples and bolsters their fraternity throughout the ages."

According to the statement, the two ministers agreed to hold the coming round of political consultations in Khartoum, at the level of foreign ministers, during the first half of next April.

[Editor: huaxia]