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Weather forecast for major Chinese cities, regions -- March 10

Source: Xinhua   2017-03-10 19:39:10

BEIJING, March 10 (Xinhua) -- Weather forecast for 20 major Chinese cities and regions (20:00 March 10 -- 20:00 March 11, Beijing Time, temperatures in Celsius):

Min. Max. Condition Wind scale

Beijing 3 20 overcast <3

Harbin -6 7 clear/cloudy <3/3-4

Tianjin 6 18 cloudy/overcast <3

Urumqi -8 -1 clear <3

Xi'an 6 13 overcast <3

Lhasa -2 9 cloudy/overcast <3

Chengdu 9 14 overcast <3

Chongqing 11 15 overcast <3

Kunming 7 21 cloudy/clear <3

Nanjing 8 17 cloudy/overcast 3/3-4

Shanghai 10 15 cloudy/overcast <3

Wuhan 10 19 overcast/drizzle <3

Hangzhou 10 15 overcast 3-4

Taipei 18 23 moderate rain/drizzle 5-6

Guangzhou 15 22 drizzle <3

Hong Kong 17 21 cloudy 3-4/4-5

Macao 17 23 cloudy <3

Xisha Islands 24 29 cloudy 4-5

Nansha Islands 25 29 shower 4-5

Diaoyu Islands 17 21 moderate rain/drizzle 9-10/8-9

Source: Central Meteorological Station, China.

Editor: An
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Weather forecast for major Chinese cities, regions -- March 10

Source: Xinhua 2017-03-10 19:39:10
[Editor: huaxia]

BEIJING, March 10 (Xinhua) -- Weather forecast for 20 major Chinese cities and regions (20:00 March 10 -- 20:00 March 11, Beijing Time, temperatures in Celsius):

Min. Max. Condition Wind scale

Beijing 3 20 overcast <3

Harbin -6 7 clear/cloudy <3/3-4

Tianjin 6 18 cloudy/overcast <3

Urumqi -8 -1 clear <3

Xi'an 6 13 overcast <3

Lhasa -2 9 cloudy/overcast <3

Chengdu 9 14 overcast <3

Chongqing 11 15 overcast <3

Kunming 7 21 cloudy/clear <3

Nanjing 8 17 cloudy/overcast 3/3-4

Shanghai 10 15 cloudy/overcast <3

Wuhan 10 19 overcast/drizzle <3

Hangzhou 10 15 overcast 3-4

Taipei 18 23 moderate rain/drizzle 5-6

Guangzhou 15 22 drizzle <3

Hong Kong 17 21 cloudy 3-4/4-5

Macao 17 23 cloudy <3

Xisha Islands 24 29 cloudy 4-5

Nansha Islands 25 29 shower 4-5

Diaoyu Islands 17 21 moderate rain/drizzle 9-10/8-9

Source: Central Meteorological Station, China.

[Editor: huaxia]