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Would-be suicide bomber killed in blast in eastern Afghan city

Source: Xinhua   2017-01-26 19:03:19

GHAZNI, Afghanistan, Jan. 26 (Xinhua) -- A would-be suicide bomber was killed as his explosive device went off accidentally in Afghanistan's eastern city of Ghazni on Thursday, provincial police chief Aminullah Omarkhil said.

"A suicide bomber terrorist riding an explosive-laden rickshaw and apparently was attempting to target security forces convoy but accidently the device exploded in Kalasabz neighborhood outside Ghazni city this afternoon, killing himself," Omarkhil told Xinhua.

Three passersby were also injured in the blast, the official added.

Taliban militants who are active in parts of Ghazni province over the past several years have not commented on the incident.



Editor: An
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Would-be suicide bomber killed in blast in eastern Afghan city

Source: Xinhua 2017-01-26 19:03:19
[Editor: huaxia]

GHAZNI, Afghanistan, Jan. 26 (Xinhua) -- A would-be suicide bomber was killed as his explosive device went off accidentally in Afghanistan's eastern city of Ghazni on Thursday, provincial police chief Aminullah Omarkhil said.

"A suicide bomber terrorist riding an explosive-laden rickshaw and apparently was attempting to target security forces convoy but accidently the device exploded in Kalasabz neighborhood outside Ghazni city this afternoon, killing himself," Omarkhil told Xinhua.

Three passersby were also injured in the blast, the official added.

Taliban militants who are active in parts of Ghazni province over the past several years have not commented on the incident.



[Editor: huaxia]