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UN urges political solution to conflicts in Syria, Yemen, Libya

Source: Xinhua   2016-09-25 04:02:03

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Saturday called for a political solution in the conflicts in Syria, Yemen and Libya and emphasized the need to revive the Middle East peace process.

In his meeting with Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the secretary-general of the League of Arab States (LAS), the UN chief "stressed the need to urgently find a political solution" to the Syrian, Yemeni and Libyan conflicts, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters here.

The meeting took place on the sidelines of the current annual high-level debate of the UN General Assembly, the week-long event which is to end on Sept. 26.

The UN and LAS leaders signed the Protocol of Amendment to the 1989 UN-LAS Agreement of Cooperation to strengthen the cooperation between the two organizations, Dujarric said.

Duirng the meeting, Ban congratulated Aboul Gheit on the recent assumption of his duties as secretary-general of the LAS and reaffirmed the United Nations commitment to work constructively with the LAS, the spokesman said.

Editor: Mu Xuequan
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UN urges political solution to conflicts in Syria, Yemen, Libya

Source: Xinhua 2016-09-25 04:02:03
[Editor: huaxia]

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Saturday called for a political solution in the conflicts in Syria, Yemen and Libya and emphasized the need to revive the Middle East peace process.

In his meeting with Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the secretary-general of the League of Arab States (LAS), the UN chief "stressed the need to urgently find a political solution" to the Syrian, Yemeni and Libyan conflicts, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters here.

The meeting took place on the sidelines of the current annual high-level debate of the UN General Assembly, the week-long event which is to end on Sept. 26.

The UN and LAS leaders signed the Protocol of Amendment to the 1989 UN-LAS Agreement of Cooperation to strengthen the cooperation between the two organizations, Dujarric said.

Duirng the meeting, Ban congratulated Aboul Gheit on the recent assumption of his duties as secretary-general of the LAS and reaffirmed the United Nations commitment to work constructively with the LAS, the spokesman said.

[Editor: huaxia]