Accident in south of Sweden causes train traffic interruption

Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-03 23:49:02|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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STOCKHOLM, Nov. 3 (Xinhua) -- A train traveling from Norrkoping in South-eastern Sweden to Stockholm collided with a truck, disrupting train traffic, Swedish Television reported on Friday.

According to the police, no one was hurt but the train driver was in shock. And the truck driver managed to jump out of the vehicle before the collision.

Lina Hedmark, one of nearly 80 passengers, was quoted as saying the train driver had hit the breaks and honked. "The train eventually came to a halt." she said.

The train was traveling at a low speed before the collision and did not derail.

However, it was unclear how the truck had got stuck between the barriers and the police have launched an inquiry into the incident. The truck was towed and will be examined for technical faults.

"We are working on trying to get an idea of what happened and we are talking to witnesses," police press spokesman Bjorn Oberg said, adding that the driver had undergone an alcohol test and was sober.

Emergency rescue services were on site Friday afternoon, and train traffic on several routes was disrupted, with passengers being offered bus replacement services.