Libya's Benghazi port reopened after 3 years closure

Source: Xinhua| 2017-10-02 01:50:22|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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TRIPOLI, Oct. 1 (Xinhua) -- The seaport of Libya's eastern city Benghazi was opened on Sunday after three years of closure as a result of military operations between the army and armed groups.

"The seaport of Benghazi was officially opened by the Prime Minister of Libyan interim government appointed by the eastern House of Representatives, Abdullah Thanni, and a number of military officials and engineers of the Ports and Maritime Transport Authority, after three years of closure due to military operations of the army against armed groups," a source of the army told Xinhua.

"The port is ready to receive commercial vessels. General Abdarrazzag al-Nadori, Chief of General Staff of the army, have granted permission to operate navigation within the port, after lifting the ban in the port, which was imposed because of insecurity," the source added.

The source pointed out that after more than six months of work, the army and the navy "managed to clear all the objects stuck in the port basin, as well as the remnants of ammunitions scattered in and around the port."

Prime Minister Thanni arrived at the port on board a tanker from the eastern city of Tubruq.

Seaport of Benghazi, one of Libya's oldest ports, contains 18 berths with a capacity of 4 million tons per day.

The city has witnessed a violent three-year war between the army, commanded by General Khalifa Haftar, and local armed groups.