China ready to work with Namibia for greater progress in ties: vice premier

Source: Xinhua| 2017-08-29 12:56:52|Editor: Yang Yi
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Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli (L) meets with Namibian President Hage Geingob in Windhoek, Namibia, Aug. 28, 2017. (Xinhua/Wang Ye)

WINDHOEK, Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli said here Monday that China is ready to work with Namibia to achieve greater progress in bilateral relations.

Zhang, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remarks when meeting with Namibian President Hage Geingob.

The vice premier said Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Geingob twice -- in Beijing in 2014 and at the 2015 Johannesburg Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). During these meetings, the two leaders set the direction for the development of bilateral ties.

"My current visit is aimed at working with the Namibian side to carry out major consensuses between the two heads of state, further consolidate our traditional friendship, deepen exchanges and cooperation in various fields so as to materialize more of the FOCAC Johannesburg Summit outcomes in Namibia and bring more benefits to the two peoples," he said.

Zhang further elaborated why the two countries could have seen a steady development in ties and ever more robust bilateral cooperation in various areas.

He said that the development of the bilateral ties has been fostered by generations of the two countries' leaders, and, as a result, the two sides have shared a strong friendship and political mutual trust.

China always views its relationship with Namibia from a strategic and long-term perspective, and regards the African country as a good friend, partner and brother, Zhang added.

China and Namibia have made joint efforts with regard to major international issues, safeguarding the legitimate rights of the developing world, he said.

In order to make greater accomplishments in bilateral ties, Zhang said the two sides need to enhance their political mutual trust and deepen exchanges about the art and experience of running the country.

China and Namibia should also step up efforts to synergize their respective development strategies, and stick to the path of win-win cooperation and common development, said Zhang.

He also said that the two countries need to jointly improve global governance system, coordinate with each other on international issues, and expand cooperation within multilateral institutions.

The two countries should also expand their cooperation in agriculture, infrastructure, energy, technology, trade and investment, as well as other fields that concern social welfare and judiciary matters, he added.

China is going to encourage more of its firms to invest in Namibia and is willing to work with the country from such aspects as mechanisms, funds, and laws to create a more favorable environment for bilateral cooperation, Zhang said.

To boost friendship and mutual understanding, the vice premier urged the two sides to enhance cultural and people-to-people cooperation, and encourage exchanges at subnational levels and promote exchanges between media groups, think-tanks, colleges and universities, youths as well as women.

Speaking of the work to implement the results of the FOCAC Johannesburg Summit since more than one year ago, Zhang said important strides have been made.

It has promoted the common development of China and the African countries, and set a good example for cooperation between African and other countries, he added.

"Materializing the summit's outcomes is central to the development of China-Namibia cooperation," he said.

Zhang also said that China takes Namibia's list of priority programs seriously, voicing hope that the two sides can ensure better communication between their related agencies, and choose to implement programs that can generate sound social and economic benefits.

For his part, Geingob said the Namibia-China friendship is time-honored, noting that China offered valuable support for his country's struggle for independence.

Describing China as an all-weather friend for Namibia, he hoped that China could continue to assist it in such fields as infrastructure, agriculture, health, education and energy so as to its promote social and economic advancement in the African nation.

Following their meeting, the two witnessed the signing of documents on economic and technological cooperation and human resources development.

Namibia is the last leg of Zhang's four-nation tour, which has taken him to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Sudan.

During his stay in Namibia, he also visited the Husab Uranium Mine and Walvis Bay Port, two key Chinese-invested projects in the African country.

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