Albania to bring together Western Balkan leaders to strengthen regional cooperation

Source: Xinhua| 2017-08-26 02:17:22|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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TIRANA, Aug. 25 (Xinhua) -- Albania will host an informal meeting on Saturday that will bring together leaders of Western Balkans as well as Johannes Hahn, commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, a press release of Albanian government said Friday.

The main goal is to deepen regional integration with special focus on economy and trade.

According to the press release, the working sessions of the meeting will focus on trade, services, investments and digital economy.

This meeting follows the one last month in Trieste, Italy.

Economic experts said Friday that this meeting was expected to be another opportunity for the leaders to further discuss and reassure their strong commitment to the implementation of the Regional Economic Area that was agreed in Trieste.

The creation of a Regional Economic Area was considered as a means to provide new opportunities for businesses and citizens alike and strengthen growth and jobs.

Under such agreement, the next concrete steps would be the mutual recognition of professional qualifications, identifying and scrapping red tape and regulatory barriers that impede trade and investment in the region, setting up a regional dialogue on digital transformation, and launching negotiations on a dispute settlement mechanism.