Gov't, partners sign contract to initiate exploration of LNG in Mozambique

Source: Xinhua| 2017-08-11 03:57:33|Editor: huaxia
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MAPUTO, Aug. 10 (Xinhua) -- Mozambican Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy and the representatives from the energy companies, the Italian ENI and the US based Anadarko, signed a contract that will commence the exploration of Liquefied Natural Gas in the Rovuma basin on Thursday in Maputo.

ENI managing director Fabio Castiglioni said it took two years of negotiation to make sure that the final document was strategic and reflected the vision of all sides, including the government and the concessionaires.

To guarantee that the exploration process follows the country's legal framework, the three Ministers of Transport and Communications, of Land Environment and Rural Development, and of Interior Waters and Fisheries signed the special licenses to allow the project to operate.

"This act marks an important moment, looking to the long walk we have been eying, a future that is much closer to us now. We are all looking forward to witnessing the beginning of the exploration of Liquefied Natural Gas from the areas 1 and 4 of the Rovuma basin," said the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Leticia Klemens addressing to participants at the signing ceremony.

Klemens said that the ceremony should not be limited to the initiation of exploration of natural gas but also to the rise of other projects that rely on gas to come to life, which is the case of production of fertilizers, fuel and electric power.

"As government, we are aware of our role in this process and we will guarantee that the resources will be explored on behalf of the Mozambican people through its local transformation to add value and guarantee its contribution to the industrialization of Mozambique," added the minister.

Mozambican government promised to continue with its reforms to attract more investments, research and development of natural gas.

Anadarko representative John Grant said with this spirit of work, Mozambique is in the right path to become a world leader in the exploration of natural gas.

ENI managing director, Fabio Castiglioni also said that the signing of this contract represents real actions for an effective development of the hydrocarbon sector in Mozambique. Enditem