AL chief voices full support to Kuwait's mediation to end Qatari crisis

Source: Xinhua| 2017-07-18 05:34:18|Editor: yan
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CAIRO, July 17 (Xinhua) -- Arab League (AL) Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit on Monday voiced full support to Kuwait's mediation in the Qatari crisis, AL spokesman Mahmoud Afifi said.

Gheit made the statement during his meeting with Kuwaiti First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Sabah in Cairo, Afifi said in a press release.

Al-Sabah expressed Kuwait's support to Gheit and the pan-Arab organization, especially amid the challenges facing the region in the current period, Afifi said.

The two also discussed the recent developments concerning the Palestinian cause, as well as the situation in Yemen, Syria, Libya and Iraq and also the financial crisis facing the Arab League.

Earlier Monday, Al Sabah held meetings respectively with Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi and Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry to discuss the Qatari crisis and ways to boost bilateral ties.

Al-Sabah briefed Sisi on the role Kuwait plays to maintain the unity of the Arabs at this very critical time as the region is facing grave challenges.

Sisi stressed the importance of firmly facing all policies meant to support terrorism and destabilize Arab countries.

Despite the mediation efforts exerted by Kuwait and major Western powers led by the U.S., the month-long diplomatic standoff continues between Qatar and the Saudi-led bloc which also includes Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

Last month, the four countries severed diplomatic ties with Qatar and cut off sea, land and air links to the tiny rich Gulf nation, accusing Doha of supporting terrorism, interfering in their internal affairs and seeking closer ties with Iran, a Saudi rival.

Qatar has strongly denied the charges against it, while rejecting a list of 13 demands put forward by the bloc for resuming diplomatic ties.

Among the six Gulf Cooperation Council states, Oman and Kuwait, have not joined the anti-Qatar alliance.