Djokovic reaches second round as Klizan retires

Source: Xinhua| 2017-07-05 02:44:08|Editor: Zhou Xin
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LONDON, July (Xinhua) -- Three-time champion Novak Djokovic advanced to the second round at Wimbledon here on Tuesday when his opponent Martin Klizan retired early in the second set.

The second seeded Djokovic was only required for 40 minutes as 47th-ranked Klizan pulled out of their Centre Court encounter with a sore leg while trailing the Serb 6-3, 2-0.

"You never like to end up a match this way but I knew that Klizan had issues even before walking on the court," Djokovic said. "I tried to just focus on what I need to do, execute my game plan.

"I started serving well, played well on my service games, not so great on my returns but it didn't matter - I made a break. But you could see that he wasn't moving: once the ball was a couple of feet away from him, he let it go. Just unfortunate. I'm sure he didn't want to finish this way because it's Wimbledon, it's a very particular tournament for all of us. I wish him all the best."

Djokovic, who won the title at Eastbourne last week, will next take on Adam Pavlasek of Czech Republic.