Romania, UK seek to strengthen security cooperation

Source: Xinhua| 2017-06-16 00:58:45|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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BUCHAREST, June 15 (Xinhua) -- Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday spoke highly of the cooperation with the United Kingdom in defence, appreciating the support given to his country in its efforts to strengthen the NATO's eastern flank.

Receiving visiting British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon, Iohannis highlighted Romania's firm commitment to NATO priorities, particularly those related to strengthening the Alliance's deterrence and defence posture, and the fair sharing of responsibilities among member countries.

The two officials affirmed their determination to strengthen the strategic partnership between Romania and the United Kingdom in the area, pointing out that the two countries have shared visions regarding the current security challenges, according to a release from the Presidency.

The two officials also welcomed the optimal unfolding of the Noble Jump 17 exercise that is taking place in Romania, added the release.

The exercise is a logistical challenge that will test NATO's ability to quickly deliver a fighting force to an assigned area of operations, with some 2,000 NATO troops as well as more than 500 vehicles and helicopters from bases in Albania, Bulgaria, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain and Britain, joined by around 2,000 Romanian troops.

Fallon voiced his country's intention to continue joint military training programs both under NATO auspices and in a bilateral context.

He also praised Romania's efforts of assigning 2 percent of the Gross Domestic Product to defence spending, as an example to be followed by other allies too.

Fallon is on a two-day visit to Romania.

Earlier on Thursday, he also had a meeting with Romanian Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu, while on Wednesday, Fallon, accompanied by his Romanian counterpart Gabriel Les, visited the Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base, where four Typhoon aircraft of the UK's Royal Air Force stationed for air police missions.