Venezuelan President Maduro calls killing of young man in protest "hate crime"

Source: Xinhua| 2017-06-05 07:33:18|Editor: xuxin
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CARACAS, June 4 (Xinhua) -- Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro said on Sunday that the killing of a young man in protest is "hate crime," and efforts should be made to prevent violence.

The head of state said in his weekly TV program that Orlando Figuera, who passed away on Sunday after being stabbed and set on fire on May 20, was the result of "fascism."

In an effort to stem the violence, Maduro called on the country to make more effort to ensure peace, "against sectors who promote campaigns of hate to bring about a civil war."

"I call on all Venezuelans, beyond their political preferences, to avoid violence taking place and being multiplied as a factor of destruction. We cannot allow anymore for, through networks and media, an escalation of conflicts continue to rise," he vowed.

Figuera's death brings to 65 the number of dead in violent protests in Venezuela since the start of April.

The president blamed the deaths in protests on the opposition Democratic Unity Roundtable(MUD).

The MUD has called for constant protests to fight back against a political and economic crisis that is blamed on Maduro, especially the country is critically short of food and medicine.

More recently, the protests have targeted the government's attempt to write a new Constitution and have called for early presidential elections.