India provides 500 mln USD credit line to Mauritius

Source: Xinhua| 2017-05-27 19:02:01|Editor: Zhang Dongmiao
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NEW DELHI, May 27 (Xinhua) -- India on Saturday provided 500 million U.S. dollars credit line to Mauritius as Prime Minister Narendra Modi held talks with his Mauritian counterpart Pravind Jugnauth in Delhi.

The line of credit agreement was signed between SBM Mauritius Infrastructure Development Co. Ltd and Export-Import Bank of India at the iconic Hyderabad House in the heart of the national capital, where the two leaders held talks over lunch.

Three other agreements were signed between the two countries, including one was on maritime security aimed at bolstering ties in the maritime domain.

"A relationship marked by age-old ties of friendship and deep mutual respect. PM@narendramodi receives PM Pravind Kumar Jugnauth at Hyderabad House," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Gopal Baglay tweeted.

Later in a statement, the Indian prime minister said that a strong developmental partnership with Mauritius "is a hallmark of our engagement."

"The agreement today on a 500 million U.S. dollars Line of Credit from India to Mauritius is a good example of our strong and continuing commitment towards the development of Mauritius. It will also help in the implementation of priority projects," Modi said.