Philippine gov't forces launch airstrike on militant group

Source: Xinhua| 2017-05-25 19:02:07|Editor: ying
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ZAMBOANGA CITY, the Philippines, May 25 (Xinhua) -- The Philippine government forces have launched on Thursday surgical airstrike on selected targets where the Maute militants were holding ground in Marawi City in southern Philippines, a security official confirmed on Thursday.

The military launched the aerial assault after isolating the Maute militants who initially occupied several areas of Marawi since Tuesday.

Security official here said the assault on Wednesday until dawn of Thursday gave them a clearer picture on the strength of the Maute which infiltrated Marawi with fewer than 50 militants who splintered into groups in diverting security attention.

The initial offensive left 13 militants killed but the military also suffered five deaths and 32 injuries so far, according to Capt. Jo-ann Petinglay, spokesperson of the Western Mindanao Command, the military unit that has jurisdiction of the Central and Western Mindanao area.

She said the ground military forces launched the airstrikes after ensuring of no civilians presence in at least three areas where the Maute militants were isolated.

"It was a surgical strike that was directed on selected targets," Petinglay said, adding that the aerial bombardment was deliberate and selected to avoid any collateral damage.

Lt. Col. Jo-Ar Herrera, spokesman of 1st Army Division, said the airstrike was succeeded by surgical ground assault with elite force deployed from the Special Operation Command.

Both officials said troops continued to close in and determine the result of the intense attack against the militants.

"Operations continued until we are assured no one from the terrorists is left standing," Petinglay said.