Aussie state commits 68 mln USD to attract major companies

Source: Xinhua| 2017-04-24 10:02:58|Editor: xuxin
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SYDNEY, April 24 (Xinhua) -- Big businesses are to be offered major financial incentives in an attempt to lure them to Victoria under the state's new budget.

The Victorian government, led by Premier Daniel Andrews, announced that 68 million U.S. dollars would be spent over four years to boost employment in "priority" industries such as manufacturing and aviation.

The money will be spent to build on existing schemes to convince major companies to invest in Victoria.

It will be one of the biggest funding boosts in what is expected to be a lean budget as the government tries to put itself in a strong financial position before an election in 2018.

Despite not divulging the details of the scheme, the government insisted the use of taxpayer money has paid dividends with major companies such as GoPro and Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba having recently established headquarters in Melbourne.

Andrews said Victoria's economic success had not happened by accident.

"We are carrying the nation when it comes to jobs growth," he told reporters on Monday.

"Investments like these will ensure that the big companies keep coming to Victoria."

Employment in Victoria has increased by 184,000 jobs since December 2014 with 64 percent of the new positions being full-time.

The growth came as the rest of Australia struggled to create employment opportunities.

The government also announced on Sunday that 205 million U.S. dollars would be spent on the third stage of the redevelopment of Melbourne Park, the home of the Australian Open.

Treasurer Tim Pallas defended the investment, saying the Grand Slam tournament generated 360 million U.S. dollars for the state's economy every year.

"Yes, this is a choice that we make, a choice that we think is imperative for being able to provide a quality facility for Victorians and earn the economic return that such an investment makes," Pallas said.