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Palestinians mourn Castro, Abbas orders flags at half-staff

Source: Xinhua   2016-11-27 23:02:51

RAMALLAH, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- The Palestinians on Sunday went on mourning late Cuban leader Fidel Castro, while Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas ordered the Palestinian flags at half-mast, said official reports.

According to the Palestinian state-run news agency (WAFA), President Abbas ordered on Sunday that Palestinian flags all over the Palestinian territories at half-mast to mourn historic leader of Cuba Fidel Castro, 90, who died on Friday.

Castro and Cuba had been supporting the Palestinian people and their cause since the early start of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, according to Wafa.

The Palestinian news agency report said that in 1949, Cuba was the first country to vote against the United Nations Security Council Partition Resolution, and have been staying to the side of the Palestinian struggles to end the Israeli occupation.

Meanwhile, dozens of Palestinians demonstrated in Gaza city in solidarity with Cuba and the Cuban nation for loosing their historic leader Castro.

The Palestinian People Party organized the demonstration in Gaza city's center, where demonstrators waved flags of Cuba and pictures of Castro. One of the banners said "Castro is the sun that never disappears."

Mohamed Salleh, the coordinator of the demonstration, said that "Castro will remain the symbol of the world's struggle against imperialism and international colonization that is led by America."

Editor: Mu Xuequan
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Palestinians mourn Castro, Abbas orders flags at half-staff

Source: Xinhua 2016-11-27 23:02:51
[Editor: huaxia]

RAMALLAH, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- The Palestinians on Sunday went on mourning late Cuban leader Fidel Castro, while Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas ordered the Palestinian flags at half-mast, said official reports.

According to the Palestinian state-run news agency (WAFA), President Abbas ordered on Sunday that Palestinian flags all over the Palestinian territories at half-mast to mourn historic leader of Cuba Fidel Castro, 90, who died on Friday.

Castro and Cuba had been supporting the Palestinian people and their cause since the early start of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, according to Wafa.

The Palestinian news agency report said that in 1949, Cuba was the first country to vote against the United Nations Security Council Partition Resolution, and have been staying to the side of the Palestinian struggles to end the Israeli occupation.

Meanwhile, dozens of Palestinians demonstrated in Gaza city in solidarity with Cuba and the Cuban nation for loosing their historic leader Castro.

The Palestinian People Party organized the demonstration in Gaza city's center, where demonstrators waved flags of Cuba and pictures of Castro. One of the banners said "Castro is the sun that never disappears."

Mohamed Salleh, the coordinator of the demonstration, said that "Castro will remain the symbol of the world's struggle against imperialism and international colonization that is led by America."

[Editor: huaxia]