美國加州北部發生森林大火 上千人撤離(組圖)

2017年10月11日 08:54:49 | 來源: 新華網

當地時間2017年10月9日,美國加州,加州北部山火肆虐,至9日上午已造成大量房屋被燒燬,上千人撤離,多條公路被關閉。加利福尼亞州州長布朗9日宣布,加州北部三個縣進入緊急狀態。***_***October 9, 2017 - Napa, California, United States: Buildings of a dairy ranch along Hwy. 12 burned out of control as a fast moving wind whipped wildfire raged through the Napa/Sonoma wine region.  More than a dozen wildfires raged across Northern California for the third straight day on Oct. 10, with the biggest ones scorching the state's famous wine country, killing at least 11 people and forcing more than 20,000 people to evacuate. The largest fires were burning in California's wine country destinations - Sonoma, Napa and Mendocino counties. (Peter DaSilva/Polaris)


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