墨西哥7.1級地震已致超119死 游客逃至街頭避難

2017年09月20日 07:54:36 | 來源: 新華網

當地時間2017年9月19日,墨西哥墨西哥城,游客聚集在瓜達盧佩大教堂外。據美聯社報道,墨西哥中部莫雷洛斯州19日下午發生7.1級地震,目前已造成至少119人死亡。據墨西哥國家地震局發布的消息,地震發生在當地時間13時14分,震中位於莫雷洛斯州阿克索恰潘市西南12公里處,震源深度57公里。***_***09/19/2017 - Mexico City, Mexico: Visitors gather outside the Basilica of Guadalupe after the earthquake. A powerful earthquake struck Mexico on Tuesday afternoon, toppling buildings, rattling the capital and sending people flooding into the streets for the second time in just two weeks. Dozens have been reported killed across the country, including 42 in the state of Morelos, close to the epicenter of the quake. But the figure is expected to climb much higher, especially because rescuers were still frantically digging out people trapped beneath mounds of rubble. The earthquake occurred shortly after 1 p.m. local time about 100 miles from Mexico City. It registered a preliminary magnitude of 7.1, causing heavy and prolonged shaking in the capital. (Alessio Coghe/Polaris)


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