
2017年08月01日 10:58:43 | 來源: 新華網

當地時間2017年7月31日,美國華盛頓,美國總統特朗普在白宮為退伍陸軍軍醫James McCloughan授予榮譽勳章,James McCloughan曾在越南戰爭時期擔任軍醫。***_***President Donald Trump bestows the Medal of Honor on retired US Army medic and Vietnam War veteran James McCloughan of South Haven, Michigan, at the White House, July 31, 2017, in Washington, DC. McCloughan was honored for his heroism in rescuing and attending to wounded troops during the 1969 battle of Hui Yon Hill in Vietnam.      Photo by Mike Theiler/UPI Photo via Newscom

  當地時間2017年7月31日,美國華盛頓,美國總統特朗普在白宮為退伍陸軍軍醫James McCloughan授予榮譽勳章,James McCloughan曾在越南戰爭時期擔任軍醫。圖片來源:視覺中國

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