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Ghana armed forces say ready to keep peace during the election
                 Source: Xinhua | 2016-06-29 01:59:23 | Editor: huaxia

ACCRA, June 28 (Xinhua) -- The Chief of Defense Staff of the Ghana Armed Forces, Air-Vice Marshall Samson Oje, said on Tuesday his outfit would do whatever it takes to maintain peace in Ghana ahead and during the forthcoming general election.

Speaking to journalists in Accra on Tuesday, Oje said though the political temperature in the country ahead of the elections was high, he was optimistic the polls would be conducted peacefully.

He said the army would collaborate with the police to maintain law and order before, during and after this year's election, calling on the local media to be circumspect with their reportage and discharge their duties professionally without any biases.

The President of the Ghana Journalists Association, Affail Monney, cautioned the media to avoid practices that would plunge the nation into chaos during the elections.

The West Africa nation has become a reference point when it comes to democracy and stability and will be expected to demonstrate that to the world when its goes to the polls on November to elect a president and 275 legislators.

Already, the various political parties in the country, especially the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party have already begun their political campaigns to garner votes to win the upcoming elections.

Incumbent president John Dramani Mahama is seeking another four-year term on the ticket of the NDC. Enditem

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Ghana armed forces say ready to keep peace during the election

Source: Xinhua 2016-06-29 01:59:23

ACCRA, June 28 (Xinhua) -- The Chief of Defense Staff of the Ghana Armed Forces, Air-Vice Marshall Samson Oje, said on Tuesday his outfit would do whatever it takes to maintain peace in Ghana ahead and during the forthcoming general election.

Speaking to journalists in Accra on Tuesday, Oje said though the political temperature in the country ahead of the elections was high, he was optimistic the polls would be conducted peacefully.

He said the army would collaborate with the police to maintain law and order before, during and after this year's election, calling on the local media to be circumspect with their reportage and discharge their duties professionally without any biases.

The President of the Ghana Journalists Association, Affail Monney, cautioned the media to avoid practices that would plunge the nation into chaos during the elections.

The West Africa nation has become a reference point when it comes to democracy and stability and will be expected to demonstrate that to the world when its goes to the polls on November to elect a president and 275 legislators.

Already, the various political parties in the country, especially the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party have already begun their political campaigns to garner votes to win the upcoming elections.

Incumbent president John Dramani Mahama is seeking another four-year term on the ticket of the NDC. Enditem

[Editor: huaxia ]