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2014年10月28日 16:17:30  來源: 新華網新加坡頻道 【字號 】【收藏】【列印】【關閉

Zhichao Yin


    Deputy Director, Survey and Research Center for China Household Finance

    Professor of Fiance, School of Finance, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics


    In 2012, Dr. Yin Zhichao was selected by the Central Organization Department as the first recipient of the “Young Best Quality Talent Support Program.” In 2013, the Ministry of Education selected him as an “Exceptional Talent in the New Century.”

    Dr. Yin has published dozens of papers in various journals such as Economic Research, The Economist (Quarterly), China Economic Review, Financial Research, and many others. He has led research projects for the National Natural Science Foundation; the National Science Foundation Society; the Commission for National Development and Reform; the Sichuan Provincial Government Finance Office; the Ford Foundation; the Sichuan Provincial Social Science Fund; and SWUFE’s Office of Research Funding.

    In addition, Dr. Yin has also taught “Monetary Finance,” financial and economics courses for government agencies, enterprises, and institutions for special financial and economic training. He has also conducted training for financial planners at financial institutions.


    在《經濟研究》、《經濟學(季刊)》、《中國經濟評論》(China Economic Review)、《金融研究》等期刊發表論文數十篇,主持和主研多項國家自然科學基金、國家社科基金、國家發改委、四川省政府金融辦、福特基金會、四川省社科基金、西南財大科研基金課題。研究領域涵蓋家庭金融、貨幣銀行、農村金融、應用微觀計量等。



( 編輯: 余南 ) 【字號 列印關閉