
2017年10月18日 07:37:20 | 來源: 新華網

當地時間2017年10月17日,伊拉克基爾庫克,庫爾德民眾返回基爾庫克。伊拉克政府軍控制基爾庫克兩大油田,進駐北部重鎮辛賈爾。***_***KIRKUK, IRAQ - OCTOBER 17: Iraqi civilians who fled their homes, return back to Kirkuk after Iraqi government forces take the control of the city center from Peshmerga forces in Kirkuk, Iraq on October 17, 2017. Late Monday, Iraqi government forces announced that they had taken control of the oil-rich city of Kirkuk, which has long been the subject of dispute between Baghdad and the Erbil-based IKRG. (Photo by Ali Mukarrem Garip/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)


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