美國佛州民眾超市採購物資 準備迎戰颶風“艾爾瑪”(組圖)

2017年09月06日 09:49:33 | 來源: 新華網

當地時間2017年9月5日,美國佛羅裏達州坦帕,民眾在商店採購食品、飲用水和三合板等物資,準備迎接颶風“艾瑪”。“艾瑪”當天增強為5級颶風,並向佛羅裏達州靠近。***_***TAMPA, FL - SEPTEMBER 05:  Michelle Smith checks her smart phone for news while clutching her dog Sophia as she leaves a Home Depot store with storm preparation supplies as residents in the area prepare ahead of Hurricane Irma on September 05, 2017 in Tampa, Florida. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) has reported that  Hurricane Irma has strengthened to a Category 5 storm as it crosses into the Caribbean and is expected to move on towards Florida.  (Photo by Brian Blanco/Getty Images)


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