DPRK slams U.S. for seeking new UN sanctions
Source: Xinhua   2017-04-26 18:11:09

PYONGYANG, April 26 (Xinhua) -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Wednesday slammed the United States for seeking a new UN Security Council resolution to clamp harsher sanctions against Pyongyang for its nuclear and missile programs.

"Irony is that the U.S., which is wholly to blame for pushing the situation on the Korean Peninsula to the brink of a nuclear war ... is orchestrating the farce of hyping up 'threat' from someone," the official KCNA news agency quoted a DPRK Foreign Ministry spokesman as saying.

The unnamed spokesman said the United States is not morally entitled to force the council members to carry out its ill-intended resolution against the DPRK and the UN member states have no moral obligation to abide by such a resolution.

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is going to chair a special meeting of the UN Security Council on Friday to discuss Pyongyang's nuclear and missile programs.

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday while hosting envoys of the UN Security Council members at the White House that "the council must be prepared to impose additional and stronger sanctions" on the DPRK's nuclear and missile programs.

The Security Council one year ago imposed economic and financial sanctions on the DPRK to prevent it from developing ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons.

Editor: ZD
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DPRK slams U.S. for seeking new UN sanctions

Source: Xinhua 2017-04-26 18:11:09
[Editor: huaxia]

PYONGYANG, April 26 (Xinhua) -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Wednesday slammed the United States for seeking a new UN Security Council resolution to clamp harsher sanctions against Pyongyang for its nuclear and missile programs.

"Irony is that the U.S., which is wholly to blame for pushing the situation on the Korean Peninsula to the brink of a nuclear war ... is orchestrating the farce of hyping up 'threat' from someone," the official KCNA news agency quoted a DPRK Foreign Ministry spokesman as saying.

The unnamed spokesman said the United States is not morally entitled to force the council members to carry out its ill-intended resolution against the DPRK and the UN member states have no moral obligation to abide by such a resolution.

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is going to chair a special meeting of the UN Security Council on Friday to discuss Pyongyang's nuclear and missile programs.

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday while hosting envoys of the UN Security Council members at the White House that "the council must be prepared to impose additional and stronger sanctions" on the DPRK's nuclear and missile programs.

The Security Council one year ago imposed economic and financial sanctions on the DPRK to prevent it from developing ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons.

[Editor: huaxia]