Moscow to discuss counter-terrorism during Tillerson's visit: Russian FM
                 Source: Xinhua | 2017-04-09 00:53:12 | Editor: huaxia

Russian servicemen walk towards Manezhnaya Square ahead of a rally against terrorism in central Moscow on April 6, 2017 following April 3 blast in the Saint Petersburg metro. (AFP PHOTO)

MOSCOW, April 8 (Xinhua) -- Russia intends to discuss international counter-terrorism with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson during his upcoming visit next week, despite clouded Russian-U.S. ties, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharov said Saturday.

"We have a multitude of topics, among which international counter-terrorism is of great significance," Zakharov told Russia's Rossiya-1 TV channel.

"Moscow is ready to cooperate with Washington even at the toughest moment of bilateral relations," she said.

The U.S. military fired 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian military airfield in the central province of Homs Thursday, raising tensions for Russian-U.S. ties.

"We will listen to what Tillerson has to say (about the U.S. missile strike in Syria). It is necessary to make it absolutely clear that such U.S. military action is unacceptable to us," the spokeswoman added.

According to a Pentagon statement, the strike was in response to the Syrian government's chemical attack on Tuesday in the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun in the country's northwestern province of Idlib.

Noting that the United States has recently launched an investigation into the chemical attack, Zakharov said the U.S. strike on Syria is not in line with its attempts to discover truth about the incident.

"They carried out strikes on the hardware that they wanted to inspect. This has absolutely nothing to do with attempts to find out what happened to the chemical weapons," Zakharov said.

The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed Friday the suspension of the memorandum of understanding on the prevention of flight safety incidents in Syria with the United States, which was signed in 2015.

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Moscow to discuss counter-terrorism during Tillerson's visit: Russian FM

Source: Xinhua 2017-04-09 00:53:12

Russian servicemen walk towards Manezhnaya Square ahead of a rally against terrorism in central Moscow on April 6, 2017 following April 3 blast in the Saint Petersburg metro. (AFP PHOTO)

MOSCOW, April 8 (Xinhua) -- Russia intends to discuss international counter-terrorism with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson during his upcoming visit next week, despite clouded Russian-U.S. ties, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharov said Saturday.

"We have a multitude of topics, among which international counter-terrorism is of great significance," Zakharov told Russia's Rossiya-1 TV channel.

"Moscow is ready to cooperate with Washington even at the toughest moment of bilateral relations," she said.

The U.S. military fired 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian military airfield in the central province of Homs Thursday, raising tensions for Russian-U.S. ties.

"We will listen to what Tillerson has to say (about the U.S. missile strike in Syria). It is necessary to make it absolutely clear that such U.S. military action is unacceptable to us," the spokeswoman added.

According to a Pentagon statement, the strike was in response to the Syrian government's chemical attack on Tuesday in the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun in the country's northwestern province of Idlib.

Noting that the United States has recently launched an investigation into the chemical attack, Zakharov said the U.S. strike on Syria is not in line with its attempts to discover truth about the incident.

"They carried out strikes on the hardware that they wanted to inspect. This has absolutely nothing to do with attempts to find out what happened to the chemical weapons," Zakharov said.

The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed Friday the suspension of the memorandum of understanding on the prevention of flight safety incidents in Syria with the United States, which was signed in 2015.