S.Korean president names new chief of staff, secretary on political affairs
Source: Xinhua   2016-11-03 09:16:11

SEOUL, Nov. 3 (Xinhua) -- South Korean President Park Geun-hye on Thursday named her new chief of staff and her secretary on political affairs in a follow-up reshuffle amid rising public anger at a scandal surrounding Choi Soon-sil, Park's longtime confidante suspected of having meddled in state affairs.

Han Gwang-ok, 74, former four-term lawmaker who served as presidential chief of staff under the 1998-2002 Kim Dae-jung administration, was appointed as new presidential chief of staff, Park's office said.

Han joined Park's presidential election camp in 2012, helping her get elected as the country's first female president. Under the Parks government, he has served as the chairman of the Presidential Committee for National Cohesion.

Hur Won-je, a former journalist-turned-politician, was appointed as new senior presidential secretary on political affairs. He worked as vice chairman of the Korea Communications Commission, the nation's telecom watchdog, under the Park administration.

Editor: ying
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S.Korean president names new chief of staff, secretary on political affairs

Source: Xinhua 2016-11-03 09:16:11
[Editor: huaxia]

SEOUL, Nov. 3 (Xinhua) -- South Korean President Park Geun-hye on Thursday named her new chief of staff and her secretary on political affairs in a follow-up reshuffle amid rising public anger at a scandal surrounding Choi Soon-sil, Park's longtime confidante suspected of having meddled in state affairs.

Han Gwang-ok, 74, former four-term lawmaker who served as presidential chief of staff under the 1998-2002 Kim Dae-jung administration, was appointed as new presidential chief of staff, Park's office said.

Han joined Park's presidential election camp in 2012, helping her get elected as the country's first female president. Under the Parks government, he has served as the chairman of the Presidential Committee for National Cohesion.

Hur Won-je, a former journalist-turned-politician, was appointed as new senior presidential secretary on political affairs. He worked as vice chairman of the Korea Communications Commission, the nation's telecom watchdog, under the Park administration.

[Editor: huaxia]