Myanmar's USDP new chairman vows to win 2020 general election
Source: Xinhua   2016-08-24 20:57:05

NAY PYI TAW, Aug. 24 (Xinhua) -- New chairman of the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) U Than Htay vowed on Wednesday to win the 2020 general election.

Meeting with the press after the three-day second nationwide party conference, U Than Htay said the party, which was the former ruling party, targets to win the 2020 election to some extent.

Reassessing the result of the 2015 general election, he said the party did not change its policy but made a reform of the organization, stressing the need to transfer duty to the new generation from the bottom to the top level to head the party work in the future.

He said that the USDP has 5 million members.

Chairman of the USDP Discipline Observatory Committee U Khin Yi told Xinhua that the party agreed on the change of constitution in principle and change in accordance with the result of the 21st Century Panglong Conference.

The USDP held a three-day Nationwide Party Conference in Nay Pyi Taw from Monday to Wednesday, during which reshuffle was made on the party leadership with U Than Htay replacing its chairman U Thein Sein and and U Myat Hein substituting Vice Chairman U Htay Oo.

The party also formed a nine-member Central Board of Patrons or Central Steering Committee, led by resigned chairman U Thein Sein.

Editor: Hou Qiang
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Myanmar's USDP new chairman vows to win 2020 general election

Source: Xinhua 2016-08-24 20:57:05
[Editor: huaxia]

NAY PYI TAW, Aug. 24 (Xinhua) -- New chairman of the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) U Than Htay vowed on Wednesday to win the 2020 general election.

Meeting with the press after the three-day second nationwide party conference, U Than Htay said the party, which was the former ruling party, targets to win the 2020 election to some extent.

Reassessing the result of the 2015 general election, he said the party did not change its policy but made a reform of the organization, stressing the need to transfer duty to the new generation from the bottom to the top level to head the party work in the future.

He said that the USDP has 5 million members.

Chairman of the USDP Discipline Observatory Committee U Khin Yi told Xinhua that the party agreed on the change of constitution in principle and change in accordance with the result of the 21st Century Panglong Conference.

The USDP held a three-day Nationwide Party Conference in Nay Pyi Taw from Monday to Wednesday, during which reshuffle was made on the party leadership with U Than Htay replacing its chairman U Thein Sein and and U Myat Hein substituting Vice Chairman U Htay Oo.

The party also formed a nine-member Central Board of Patrons or Central Steering Committee, led by resigned chairman U Thein Sein.

[Editor: huaxia]