India says it took strong stand against terror at SAARC meet in Pakistan
Source: Xinhua   2016-08-05 14:56:45

NEW DELHI, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) -- India Friday said that it took a strong stand against terror at the recent SAARC meet in Pakistan and urged members to act against countries that support terrorism.

Briefing the Parliament about his Pakistan visit to attend the SAARC Interior and Home Ministers' Conference in Islamabad Thursday, Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh said he had urged all members not to glorify or patronise terrorists.

"I said that there is a need to strongest action not just against the terrorists, but also those who support terrorism. All countries must help to eradicate terrorists," Singh said.

Singh's speech was reportedly not broadcast by the Pakistani media, but the Indian External Affairs Ministry has denied that it was a blackout.

Cleared the air about the reported media blackout of his speech in Pakistan, the Home Minister said that some Indian channels were not allowed to film his address, but clarified, that he did not go there for a party.

Editor: liuxin
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India says it took strong stand against terror at SAARC meet in Pakistan

Source: Xinhua 2016-08-05 14:56:45
[Editor: huaxia]

NEW DELHI, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) -- India Friday said that it took a strong stand against terror at the recent SAARC meet in Pakistan and urged members to act against countries that support terrorism.

Briefing the Parliament about his Pakistan visit to attend the SAARC Interior and Home Ministers' Conference in Islamabad Thursday, Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh said he had urged all members not to glorify or patronise terrorists.

"I said that there is a need to strongest action not just against the terrorists, but also those who support terrorism. All countries must help to eradicate terrorists," Singh said.

Singh's speech was reportedly not broadcast by the Pakistani media, but the Indian External Affairs Ministry has denied that it was a blackout.

Cleared the air about the reported media blackout of his speech in Pakistan, the Home Minister said that some Indian channels were not allowed to film his address, but clarified, that he did not go there for a party.

[Editor: huaxia]